IRAPFM Report: Decrease in public funding, a world wide answer from museums
ICOM-IMREC is proud to announce the publication of the final report on the research project examining public funding for museums. Conducted by the International Research Alliance on Public Funding for Museums (IRAPFM), the study Decrease in public funding ? A worldwide answer from museums, highlights the persistent decline of public funding world-wide and makes a significant contribution to the global understanding of funding models for museums and their adaptation to diverse regional and cultural contexts. In July 2022, the ICOM-IMREC Academic and Programming Board selected the IRAPFM project, led by the University of Québec at Montreal (UQAM), as the winning proposal for the Targeted Research Call on Public Funding for Museums. The IRAPFM team is comprised of leading researchers and institutions from around the world, including: UQAM, Canada (Pr. Yves Bergeron, Pr. Lisa Baillargeon, and Me Michèle Rivet, C.M.) Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Canada (Me Marc Lajoie) Te Herenga [...]
ICOM Canada Travel Bursary for participation in ICOM Dubai 2025 Now Open!
We are happy to announce the Travel Bursary for participation in ICOM Dubai 2025. As one of the 120 National Committees around the world and as a way to help emerging museum professionals in building network and lasting connections, ICOM Canada provides a Travel Bursary every three years to support the participation of an emerging museum professional (with fewer than 5 years of work experience, which includes student employment, such as internships) to the ICOM General Conference. ICOM Canada will provide up to CAD $2000 to cover costs related to conference registration, travel, accommodation, and local transportation, as well as a per diem allowance for meals. It is expected that applicants will seek additional funding through their employer or other sources (e.g. Canadian Museum Association, ICOM International Committees). The bursary will be awarded by an adjudication committee formed by the board of ICOM Canada. To be Eligible: The applicant must [...]
International Achievement Award Nominations 2025 Now Open!
We are pleased to announce that nominations for the ICOM Canada International Achievement Award are now open until March 15, 2025. We look forward to honoring a distinguished member from our Canadian ICOM community for their persistent and successful globally-engaged career. This award honours a Canadian museum professional who has demonstrated and promoted excellence in Canadian museology on an international scale. This award recognizes the outstanding contribution of knowledge and expertise towards the advancement and support of museology worldwide. If you would like to nominate someone, please go ahead and fill out the nomination form here and submit the completed form via email to The nomination deadline is March 15, 2025. Questions? email us at We will present the International Achievement Award for 2025 at our AGM in June. We look forward to your nominations!
International Achievement Award Winner 2024 – Claude Faubert
We are happy to announce the winner of the 2024 ICOM Canada International Achievement Award: Claude Faubert. Throughout his museum career, Claude has made lasting and meaningful contributions to advance many aspects of the museum field, particularly in science museums. During his career at Ingenium, Canada’s National Museum of Science and Innovation, his leadership at all levels in collections, research, education, and exhibition programming was shared with communities around the world. Claude’s efforts in creating partnerships and engaging with important organizations such as ICOM greatly benefited the museums in which he worked. Among the many examples of his international work and accomplishments, Claude was instrumental in the development of the ICOM International Training Centre (ICOM-ITC) established in 2013 in Beijing, China, that attracted museum practitioners worldwide. After more than 30 years of working in museums, Claude entered retirement with the same energy and willingness to make global connections, and to [...]
Live Webinar: Revision of the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 Time: 2:00pm EST | 8:00pm Paris time Register Here: What are the new and emerging ethical challenges that museums face that a Code of Ethics should address? The webinar will bring people up to date on the revision of the ICOM Code of Ethics — what has been accomplished and what the next steps are. We will talk about how the revision relates to the 2004 Code and how it relates to the museum definition. About the Speakers: Sally Yerkovich is leading the revision of the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums. She served on the ICOM Standing Committee on Ethics (ETHCOM) from 2011-2016 and was chair from 2016-2023. Dr. Yerkovich has been engaged with ethical issues in museums throughout her career. A cultural anthropologist with more than thirty years of leadership experience in museums and cultural institutions, she is currently Director of Educational [...]
Live Webinar: Successful Collaborations in Museum and Heritage Studies and Practice
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Time: 1:30pm EST Recording Now Available here: This webinar discussed the collaborative nature of the heritage field and how emerging professionals are being prepared to advance the practice and support communities. Learners, teachers, professionals, decision-makers, museums, and heritage organizations attended this webinar. Speaker Bio: Dr. Inanloo Dailoo is the most recent winner of the ICOM Canada International Achievement Award for 2023. Dr. Shabnam Inanloo Dailoo is Associate Professor and Director of Heritage Resources Management, and Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Athabasca University. She has two decades of national and international experience in heritage conservation theory and practice. She holds a PhD in Environmental Design from the University of Calgary. She completed her post-doctoral research with the Canada Research Chair on Built Heritage at the Université de Montréal. Her current research examines the existing policies, guidelines, and [...]