

Building Connection through Universal Stories

This article was released in the ICOM Canada September 2019 e-newsletter on Cultural Diplomacy. See more articles from this issue here. C.W. Gross (Glenbow Museum) There has been a tremendous emphasis put on representing our differences in the recent political climate. As a museum educator I often worry that we place so [...]

2019-09-01T15:37:38-04:00September 1st, 2019|Newsletters|

Book Review: Cosmopolitan Ambassadors

This article was released in the ICOM Canada September 2019 e-newsletter on Cultural Diplomacy. See more articles from this issue here. Simge Erdogan (Queen’s University)  Cosmopolitan Ambassadors: International Exhibitions, Cultural Diplomacy and the Polycentral Museum by Lee Davidson and Leticia Pérez Castellanos   What is an international exhibition? How can museums work internationally [...]

2019-09-01T15:38:11-04:00September 1st, 2019|Newsletters|

From Decolonization to Indigenization: the Road to Equality

A version of this presentation was given September 2, 2019 by ICOM Canada Board member, Michèle Rivet, C.M. at the 25th ICOM General Assembly in Kyoto, Japan. Michèle's presentation was part of the "Decolonisation and Restitution: Moving towards a more holistic perspective and relational approach" panel (Session 1) moderated by [...]

2019-08-30T13:13:33-04:00August 25th, 2019|Events, Newsletters|

September 2019 E-Newsletter – Call for Content Submissions

The ICOM Canada Board invites submissions for ICOM Canada’s new e-newsletter. The e-newsletter, distributed three times each year, features news items and short highlight articles, longer feature articles, and photographs or other media relating to ICOM Canada, ICOM’s international committees,  and/or other related ICOM initiatives.  Long-form articles for this issue will [...]

2019-07-15T12:56:50-04:00July 15th, 2019|Newsletters|