

From Decolonization to Indigenization: the Road to Equality

A version of this presentation was given September 2, 2019 by ICOM Canada Board member, Michèle Rivet, C.M. at the 25th ICOM General Assembly in Kyoto, Japan. Michèle's presentation was part of the "Decolonisation and Restitution: Moving towards a more holistic perspective and relational approach" panel (Session 1) moderated by [...]

2019-08-30T13:13:33-04:00August 25th, 2019|Events, Newsletters|

ICOM Canada Events at Kyoto 2019

Are you attending the International Council of Museums General Assembly in Kyoto in September 2019? Join ICOM Canada for two special events on September 2: ICOM Canada members are invited to attend the Americas Breakfast Roundtable at ICOM Kyoto 2019. Join colleagues from ICOM US and ICOM Latin America/Caribbean for [...]

2019-08-23T11:27:43-04:00August 23rd, 2019|Events|

Notice of ICOM Canada 2019 AGM

We look forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 16, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. (EDT) at the Hilton Toronto in Toronto. Download the AGM materials below: AGM 2019 Agenda Slate of Nominations to the Board Proxy Voting Form - Submit by April 15 Proposed [...]

2019-04-09T16:26:25-04:00March 16th, 2019|Events|